Gerald Lombardo's
World Wide
My Goal is Simple:
To Show People Born In These Very Special
î Truth
Has Been Restored To The Earth!
I know these are, indeed, the Biblical [late] Latter Days and You are PRIVILEGED To Have Been Chosen To Live On The Earth During These Times.
Further, you are extremely fortunate if you live in these united states of America, in these times.
Want to read more about these times from a biblical perspective?
Want to know where you came from?
Why are you here? - What is the purpose?
Where do you go after mortal death?
I invite you to click the key below and go to the next page
"The Challenge"
... IF you are here to read more about, or take The Challenge -that is if you can heartfully declare
'I never had a chance'
I invite you to send me a note while that portion of the site is under construction.
Also, if you were Invited here by me to hear hear Clay Christensen on the value of Organized Religion in our society?
Clay Christensen is a Professor at Harvard Law who in this very short clip eloquently explains why organized religion in general is so important in our society.
Thanks for Stopping by ...
or my blog...